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'Women's bodies are not vehicles for a vanity project.' 'Surrogacy is a human rights violation,' she tweeted. Ms Deves was referring to Pete Buttigieg, the first openly gay U.S. presidential candidate, and his husband, who are joint fathers of twin girls. In another tweet, Ms Deves said 'transablism' - where trans people pretend to be disabled - is 'a thing' and likened people in that category to a well-known serial killer. Mr Morrison subsequently defended her as the party's candidate as she received a torrent of online abuse over the comments.

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'She is standing up for women and girls and their access to fair sport in this country,' the PM said.

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'I believe that is how she will approach the task if she is elected as the member for Warringah, and I don't think she should be silenced.' 'She has learned in her advocacy in her private life there are better ways to do things to take things forward as a Member of Parliament.

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